Conflict Management Styles Quiz
Our personal history, family background, values, assumptions, knowledge and experience of the world affect the manner in which we interact and communicate with each other. Each person is a distinct individual and can have their own unique viewpoint. It is natural to find people having different priorities to disagree and in conflict with one another. Conflicts are inevitable in lives and it is worthwhile to find out how you or other influential people in your life manage their conflicts.
The quiz below is adapted from the "Conflict Management Styles Quiz" (Source: Reginald (Reg) Adkins, PhD, Elemental Truths).
Please rate each of the statements below on a scale of 1-4 depending on how you would behave under those specific circumstances. Please provide your answers based on how you would behave rather than how you think you should behave.
1 = Rarely 2 = Sometimes 3 = Often 4 = Always
I explore issues with others so as to find solutions that meet everyone’s needs.
I try to negotiate and adopt a give-and-take approach to problem situations.
I try to meet the expectations of others.
I would argue my case and insist on the merits of my point of view.
When there is a disagreement, I gather as much information as I can and keep the lines of communication open.
When I find myself in an argument, I usually say very little and try to leave as soon as possible.
I try to see conflicts from both sides. What do I need? What does the other person Need? What are the issues involved?
I prefer to compromise when solving problems and just move on.
I find conflicts challenging and exhilarating; I enjoy the battle of wits that usually follows.
Being at odds with other people makes me feel uncomfortable and anxious.
I try to accommodate the wishes of my friends and family.
I can figure out what needs to be done and I am usually right.
To break deadlocks, I would meet people halfway.
I may not get what I want but it’s a small price to pay for keeping the peace.
I avoid hard feelings by keeping my disagreements with others to myself.
How to score
As stated, the 15 statements correspond to the five conflict resolution styles. To find your most preferred style, total the points in the respective categories. The one with the highest score indicates your most commonly used strategy. The one with the lowest score indicates your least preferred strategy.
Corresponding Statements
1, 5, 7
4, 9, 12
6, 10, 15
3, 11, 14
2, 8, 13
Brief descriptions of the five conflict management styles
Collaborating Style
Both parties get what they want and negative feelings are minimised. Problems are solved to achieve optimal and “win-win" outcomes.
Competing Style
To achieve their own desired outcomes, parties would sacrifice the interests of others.
Avoiding Style
Parties would not directly address and resolve the problems. They would rather postpone or avoid the conflict.
Harmonizing Style
In order to maintain harmonised relationships, parties often place the interests of others over and above their own interests.
Compromising Style
Each party needs to compromise in order to achieve a mutually acceptable outcome. This is the middle ground approach and may not be the best outcome.