Don’t worry, be happy!
We all worry about different matters in life such as health, family, relationship or money problems.
However, people with anxiety disorder are extremely worried, even when there is little or no reason to worry about them. They always believe that things would go wrong. This worrisome feeling could interfere with their daily lives and their ability to perform their daily tasks.
Common signs and symptoms of Anxiety
A person with anxiety may:
Worry about everyday matters
Have difficulty controlling their persistant worries
Realize that they worry much more than they should
Have difficulty in relaxing themselves
Have difficulty concentrating
Be easily startled and frightened
Feel tired all the time
Have headaches, muscle aches, stomach aches, or unexplained pains
Difficulty swallowing
Tremble or twitch
Be irritable, sweat a lot, and feel light-headed or out of breath
Go to the bathroom very often