Message from Suomi
“I am constantly fascinated to witness my clients exerting remarkable resilience as they overcome challenges in life, regaining their self-confidence and coming out of hardships with broadened views and greater capacities. I truly believe everyone can benefit from counseling services to enhance their quality of life in their own ways.
Please feel absolutely free to enquire us how we can assist you in maximizing your sense of joy and love in the everyday life, and creating more fulfilling future."
Suomi has over 10 years of experience as a bilingual counselor (English-Japanese), helping individuals, couples and families achieve their highest potential and overcome hardships that they go through in life. Among other strengths illustrated below, she is committed to helping clients who experience difficulties in cross-cultural environments, such as in the workplace or in the family.
Cross Cultural Marriage and Family Counseling
To optimize your marriage, sexuality and family relationships. To enhance strengths of your children growing up in multi-cultural circumstances and assist them in unlocking their potentials. Counseling sessions are available in English and Japanese for cross-cultural couples and families.
Relationship Improvement
To improve your relationship with your significant others such as parents, close friends, or people at the workplace. To feel more confident in social circles and family gatherings.
Stress Management and Mood Improvement
To create an optimal lifestyle and acquire a healthier mindset for yourself to feel more relaxed. To develop coping skills to better deal with stress and anxiety, or to manage and express anger in a socially acceptable way.
Adjustment Challenges
To facilitate adjusting to a new environment, whether that is change in your workplace, family transition or simply moving to a new country.
Child's Emotional and Behavioral Issues
To help your child learn how to manage stress, acquire social skills and problem solving skills.
Grief and Loss
To assist you with going through the grieving process, such as bereavement after the loss of your loved one, or coping with the breakup of a significant relationship, the death of a pet, the loss of health or the loss of financial stability.
Other Mental Health Concerns
To enhance your quality of life, we can work on insomnia, depressive symptoms, excessive anxiety or unwanted habits such as unhealthy eating or drinking habits.
Suomi Fujimori
Psychological Counselor
南カリフォルニア大学修士課程 /
Master of Social Work (USC)
臨床発達心理士 (02151) /
Clinical Developmental Psychologist (Japan, 02151)
トリプルPファシリテータ資格 レベル4 /
Certified Triple P Parenting Facilitator Level 4
・自己探求、よりよい人間関係(夫婦・親子、職場、友人、実親)を手に入れたい ・気分(気持ちが落ち込む、不安になる、イライラする、怒り、喪失感)の改善をしたい ・ショックなこと、気になって仕方ないことから、精神的に解放されたい ・環境の変化、心身の不調を上手に乗り越えたい ・気になる「くせ」を直して、うまくストレス発散できるようになりたい ・子どもの情緒、発達、行動について、相談したい ・英語と日本語でカウンセリングをしてほしい(パートナーやお子さんが英語を話す場合)
カウンセリング技術と精神疾患に関わるケアについては、アメリカ・ロスアンゼルスにて、Social Work修士課程にて学びました。メンタルヘルスクリニックでインターンとして働き、外来でのカウンセリング、学校を訪問してのスクールカウンセラー、家庭訪問をしてのファミリーカウンセリングなど、さまざまな形で、家族と子どもの抱える課題にかかわることで、カウンセリングルーム内のセッションのみにとどまらない、日常生活に活かせる支援を学びました。また、鬱、不安障害、強迫性障害、アディクション、人格障害など、精神疾患を抱えるクライアントに対して、生活の質を向上させるための支援方法について工夫をしてきました。
臨床発達心理士(02151) トリプルP ファシリテータ資格 Level 4 (子育て教室ファシリテーター資格) ソマティック・エクスペリエンスð(トラウマ解消のためのトレーニング、中級に在籍)
Education, Professional Training and Clinical Experience
Suomi is a native speaker of Japanese and fluent in English. She majored in marketing and consumer behavior during her undergraduate education at Keio University in Japan.
After working as a human resource coordinator both in Japan and abroad, she returned to school, this time in the United States. She received a Master of Science in Social Work from the University of Southern California, with a concentration in Counseling for Families and Children.
While pursuing her master’s degree, Suomi successfully completed an internship program at an outpatient mental health clinic, where she was subsequently offered a staff position. The cultural and ethnic diversity of the inner city of Los Angeles, where the clinic was located, gave her an opportunity to acquire solid cross-cultural clinical skills.
Working at a mental health clinic gave her an opportunity to develop strong skills in clinical assessment of mental health disorders as well as developmental disorders. She worked with adult clients with various mental health issues such as depression, anxiety disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, eating disorder, addiction and personality disorder. She also worked with child clients with ADHD and other behaviour problems.
After moving back to Japan, Suomi was licensed as a Clinical Developmental Psychologist, while working for families with children in the public sector. Since her move to Hong Kong in 2012, she has been working as a bilingual counselor and providing culturally-sensitive parenting classes to cultural minorities in Hong Kong, such as Japanese families and Nepali families, respecting their cultural backgrounds and meeting their unique needs.
Suomi is passionate about improving her clinical skills and expanding her knowledge of the ever-evolving science of healing. Currently, she is working on the Intermediate Level of a three-year Somatic Experiencing professional training, which she believes is a highly effective modality for resolving trauma.